Places Not To Travel
PLACES NOT TO TRAVEL Written By:Hammad Abbasi. Published By:BESTFORTRAVELLERS Here are the 10 places Fodor’s suggests we avoid. 1. THE GALAPAGOS Ecuador heavily regulates tourism in the Galapagos as part of its environmental conservation policies, but Fodor’s says the islands’ fragile ecosystems remain vulnerable. Growing tourism to the Galapagos Islands could put the environment at risk. 2. THE PLACES THAT DON’T WANT YOU TO VISIT Too many tourists in places like Venice and Amsterdam have resulted in a local backlash against visitors. Fodor’s says we should just stay away. Venice is among Europe’s most touristed destinations. 3. TAJ MAHAL In 2018, the Taj Mahal’s dome will get its first thorough cleaning since the monument was built 369 years ago. A mud paste has been used to clean other parts of the monument, and Fodor’s says “unless your dream Taj Mahal visit involves being photographed standing in front of a mud-caked and be-sca...
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